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Mack's Natural Reptile Food Reptile Food
Rep-Cal Reptile Food
Imagitarium Live Reptile Food
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Reptilinks Reptile Food
Fluker's Dry Reptile Food
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Nature Zone Dry Reptile Food
Imagitarium Frozen Reptile Food
Rep-Cal Dry Reptile Food
Mazuri Dry Reptile Food
Reptilinks Snake Food
Mack's Natural Reptile Food Snake Food
I have always given my turtle ReptoMin for the past 14 years. Are there any other foods or treats i can feed her?
My terrapin has some white patches on his shell, what food can i give him to supply him with vitamin A?
What's a good food for Green Tree Frogs
Hello! I have a bearded dragon, who hates veggies and fruits. I have a mix of dried veggies with calcium and dried bugs, at the pet store, I got a can of shrimp that's for reptiles and turtles, is this safe to feed one shrimp on top of his salad to entice him a bit? Thanks
I adopted a sick Leopard Gecko from a local pet store. The pet store doesn't take good care of Leopard Geckos. They have dried Mealworms, no calcium, no humidity, and their all crowed in one hide. My Leopard Gecko Geo wasn't eating Mealworms or Crickets. She is underweight and her tail is skinny. I started to get concerned so I started syringe feeding her daily with ReptaBoost. Today I saw her throw up some of the mix. It looks like she was struggling to regurgitate. Also the humidity is high.
Wat should I feed my soft shell turtle???
Baby bearded dragon only eating veggies
What are some of the best staple feeders to give a baby, juvenile and adult bearded dragon?
Am trying to find Amphibian food for my Grey’s Tree Frog with out vitamin D3. What will D3 do to the frog (male)
What brand of food is best to buy my red eared slider? And what kind of food?
Is it okay for leopard geckos to eat black soldier larve or dubia roaches as their staple diets?
Hello...what should i feed my pet for healthier and stronger bomes and muscles